History of Basketball
Who Invented
Basketball? James Naismith
Where? Springfield Massachusetts in the
United States
When? 1891
How? He invited the game for his class
using a peach basket and a soccer style ball.
Why? To condition young athletes during
the winter
What were the
circumstances at the beginning? That some players felt that the game shouldn’t ball call “Naismith
game” but more with the name that has ball and basket. So they ended up calling the game basketball.
What was it like at
the start? There was
only 13 rules in the beginning, it was 9 vs 9 and later on they cut the bottom
of the peach basket so the ball can go thru.
How is basketball different
today than when it first started? What’s different in today basketball is that there are more
rules, the basket has a net and there can only be 5 players on the court for
each team.