Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Student Success Statement, Marcus Aurelius

Student Success Statement
“If it is not right do not do it; if it is not true do not say it.
Marcus Aurelius

What I think about the quote is that knowing that something is wrong why will you do it, instead of just leaving it alone. Also if you’re not sure about something do not say it because it may cause problems later on.  

Dental Assistant

Dental Assistant
Duties and Responsibilities: Supports dental care delivery by preparing treatment room, patient, instruments, and materials; passing instruments and materials; performing procedures in compliance with the dental practice act.
Salary: $34,500- $47,580
Education: Go to Community colleges to take programs, or to universities and dental schools. To complete these programs it takes up to 9- 11 months to finish.

Reflection: I would not mind to be a dental assistant because there job is pretty much easy and you only go to school for some time. They don’t make that much money but over the years their salary will be going up.  

Friday, November 14, 2014

Dental Lab technician

Dental Lab technician
Duties and Responsibilities: Maintain and improves patients oral health, replaces partial or loss of teeth. Restores natural teeth, replaces missing facial and body tissues due to any type of injury or disease.
Salary: $44,000- $53,000
Education: 2-4 year program, but needs a high school diploma to attend the program. Once they pass their examination they become a (CDT) Certified Dental Technician.

Reflection: I wouldn’t really mind to be a dental lab technician because they make good money to live on and you don’t really need to go to a 4 year college. 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Student Success Statement , James Freeman Clark

Student Success Statement
“It may make a difference to all eternity whether we do right or wrong today.”
James Freeman Clark

What the quote means is that if you make a right or wrong decision it may affect you in the future, in a good way or a bad way.     

Veterans Days

Veterans Days
Veterans Day is a holiday here in the United States which honors the people who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces. Veterans Day also mark the anniversary of the end of War World 1 which ended on November 11, 1918 on the 11th hour. Veterans Day is sometime also confused with Memorial Day but the differences between them both is that one celebrates the man who served in the U.S. Military and the other is to remember the ones who fought and give up their lives for this nation.
My thoughts about Veterans Day, is that how the soldiers were able to handle their fears while there at war. I feel pretty sad about veterans who lost family members in war or got scars got of the war.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Student Success Statement, Chick Moorman

Student Success Statement
“doing what is right, fair and honorable is more important than winning or losing.”
Chick Moorman

What I think the quote means is that knowing what’s right and doing it, will show people what type of person you are instead of doing the opposite. 

Monday, November 3, 2014

Proverbs 13:20,Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement
He that walkth with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.
Proverbs 13:20

What I think about this quote is that if you have friends that you know are good people that don’t do bad stuff, those are the ones who will lead you to success in life. Your bad friends are the one who will keep you down and will never really let you success. 

Dance/Movement Therapist

Dance/Movement Therapist
Duties and Responsibilities: Dance Therapist use movement and dancing to enable personal, emotional, cognitive, spiritual, physical and social integration and development. Based on the principle that movement psychotherapists acknowledge and support clients.
Salary: $60,000- $80,000
Education: Pass the (ADTA) Approved Graduate Programs to register for the (R-DMT) credential. The ADTA meet all the requirements to be a dance therapist.

Reflection: Dance therapist sounds good but that’s not a type of job I want to do in the future. The money is good is just that I want to do something a little bit harder and out there in the city.